TIME Magazine
Time Magazine is the world's most respected news magazine. Since its first edition in 1923, leading figures from presidents to prime ministers and CEOs have relied on its authoritative analysis of economical and political trends, reporting of breaking news and exclusive interviews with world leaders. Given its global reputation, TIME Magazine is the ideal publication for our first-hand reports highlighting the opportunities and challenges facing global investors in both developed and emerging countries. Our special sections offer a tribune of opinion on the economic and business environment and reflect the authoritative style of TIME Magazine - often imitated but never bettered. Business Outlook is proud to be working in partnership with TIME and is ready to explore opportunities and challenges to support countries and businesses worldwide.
The Legacy

TIME readers are internationally-minded decision makers and influencers with high levels of disposable income - 57 per cent of readers work in business and industry, with 37 per cent in government and the professions. Nine out of ten TIME readers have graduated through higher education.
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